In a Subscription-based Market, What is “Ownership”?

Chandler Luhowskyj
Chandler Luhowskyj14 Jul, 2022

How much does it cost to keep your buns toasty? According to BMW, about $18 per month

The German company joined the subscription-based craze this week by announcing that heated seats will no longer be available as a premium upgrade for their newest cars, but rather a monthly or annual fee to maintain access to the functionality. Tesla offers a similar offering, but in the form of a one-time activation fee.

This raises the question: what does the future of “ownership” look like? Are we seeing the beginning of a mass transition to a subscription-based service or a trendy gimmick? 

Peloton has amassed millions of monthly paying subscription users for those that have bought the bike. John Deere has used the DMCA to prevent owners from performing maintenance on their tractors.

Do you think any other industries will switch to a subscription-based model? Let us know which ones in #_watercooler.

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