Brands Try to Land a Punch Against COVID-19

Chandler Luhowskyj
Chandler Luhowskyj30 Jul, 2021

It’s abundantly clear that the pandemic has completely turned our world upside down. The virus has impacted how we work, socialize, and spend our free time. Thankfully, plenty of brands have joined forces to make this transition slightly easier: 

Lysol x TripAdvisor

As hotel bookings and travel in general dwindled throughout the pandemic, Lysol & TripAdvisor partnered together to distribute disinfection kits to a variety of businesses.

Amazon x Carbon Health

The film sector of Amazon teamed up with health IT startup Carbon Health to not only vaccinate cast members on set, but also to provide several pop-up clinics in low-income communities to ensure everyone has access to the vaccine.

Teladoc x Microsoft Teams

Rather than risk being exposed to the virus during routine medical check-ups that typically occur in person, Teladoc & Microsoft Teams worked together to provide a robust virtual appointment system for any hospitals using the Teladoc software.

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